We had our first class today with the USC students. There are eleven of them taking the independent study course which allows them to work on our movie. Susan and the students met us at Genesis Studios for this first class, where they got a tour of the facility. Then we brought them into the screening theater for the lectures.
We started by having everyone play the candy get-to-know you game. You know the one – take some Starburst cadies, and then answer a question for each color. Maybe a little cheesy, but we had movie related questions like, “What’s your guilty pleasure movie?” and “What’s the first movie you remember seeing?”
After that, Susan explained how the class will work. Then Brian gave an overview of the progress on the project so far and an explanation of the different types of producers and what each type does. Then Cliff talked about directing and his plans to grow the movie industry in SC through Emergent Films.
We finished by giving them an optional homework assignment to “tweet us a story.” Their challenge is to create a story with a beginning, middle, and end (incorporating the word ‘death’ and/or ‘cat’) in 140 characters or less. The winner gets a fantabulous paint-by-numbers set of two kittens that will become part of the set dressing for one of the character’s rooms. That’s a prize worth winning!
It was great to finally meet the students who will be helping us make this movie. Welcome to the team Amanda, Ashley, Brandon, Chad, Fred, Jordan, Kasey, Michael, Michelle, Nathan, and Ryanne!