Saying Goodbye is finished!There are several reasons to celebrate 1-1-11:

First of all, it’s the start of a new year.  So Happy New Year to all the fans of Saying Goodbye!  We hope you stick to your resolutions and that your dreams for the year come true.

We’re well on our way with our dreams, because at long, long, LONG last the movie is finished.  The burned DVD is even labeled, “Final. FINAL” so you know we’re not playing around.  The music has been added and all the i’s dotted and t’s crossed in the credits.  WE ARE DONE!!!  Whoo hoo! 

It may have taken us a while to get here, but we’re really happy with our movie; and we hope it means as much to everyone who watches it as making it has meant to us.  And we are so grateful to everyone who has helped us get to this point – thank you!  

So what do we do now that we have a finished movie in our eager little hands?  We submit it to our very first film festival of course!  Saying Goodbye has now been submitted to the Atlanta Film Festival.  The AFF is a great festival which happens to be an Academy Awards qualifier for shorts, and since three of our lead actors (Edith Ivey, Mary Elizabeth Cobb, and Michael Scialabba) are from Atlanta, it would be a great opportunity for their friends and family to see the movie on the big screen.  Keep your fingers crossed that we get accepted!

Our 2011 has started with a bang, and we hope to keep the momentum going as we submit to festivals over the coming months.  Keep an eye on the blog, facebook, and twitter to see if we’ll be playing at a festival near you.

Happy New Year!